
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Conservative Case for Biden's Foreign Policy

It's a bit of a long read , but if you're a conservative, it's well worth taking the time to read and reflect on this article.  There are many ways to magnify the flaws in both candidates, but Joe Biden's foreign policy is not fertile soil for criticism. Those who insist that Trump has a "beautiful" foreign policy are wearing rose colored glasses.  To the extent that Trump actually does have a foreign policy (which is debatable), it is built around insulting our allies while praising dictators.   No matter who wins the election, this is a critical time for our foreign policy .  Neither candidate will get a break; foreign policy is a black hole of lost opportunities.  Righting the ship is going to be difficult no matter who is at the helm. If you're an issues oriented voter, here's your homework on foreign policy. "As a nation, we have to prove to the world that the United States is prepared to lead again—not just with the example of our power but

The Weekend Starts...oops. Already.

  So I missed the start of the weekend two weeks in a row.  I'm slipping.  But it's not too late to celebrate the last weekend before the November 3, 2020 election. Today's musical selection is to remind us all what we can do when we work together.  From the deepest oceans to the last frontier in space, we have led the world in scientific and humanistic achievements.  That's our past, and it can still be our future. Vote on Tuesday, if you haven't already done so.   And enjoy the 5 minute video that will briefly take you out of this world.  That's what we can do together.

News from the Right Wing Fever Swamp...

I hesitate to give the Oath Keepers    any oxygen.  They're a right wing radical group looking to start a civil war.  I decided to go ahead and do this post mostly as a warning to those who take these threats lightly. As we approach the election on Tuesday, we are in some danger of unrest, perhaps in the 10-20% range.  The Oath Keepers see their role as instigating civil war.  That scenario is probably in the 5% or less range.  But  5% chance of civil war is not to be dismissed as impossible. Stewart Rhodes is the spokesperson for the Oath Keepers.  Here's a sampling of what he's saying: Discussing the “coming civil war,” Rhodes  said  Trump should “declassify all the secrets” to expose the “deep state” and that then his group will “go and put it to them, and take them into custody and do what we have to do .”    After Jones   asked   him about “military rules of engagement,” Rhodes predicted a possible civil war between the right and left and said that “our side will not

Has Trump Earned a Second Term?

  I would say definitely not.  Donald Trump has not earned a second term.  I have a lot of reasons to say that, but I did not express then nearly as well as Tim Miller.  Here's a sample of his reasons: In a place where right matters, the president would be marching alongside those who want justice for the wrongful death of black men and women at the hands of the state—not fomenting more violence. And certainly in a place where right matters, we would not have a president who routinely calls his fellow Americans who oppose him politically “scum” while equivocating on whether or not the people at a Nazi march are just misunderstood.  In a place where right matters, the president doesn’t use his office—and taxpayer-funded lawyers—to bully a woman who has accused him of rape. He doesn’t get to avoid any accountability for the 19 other women who have accused him of sexual misconduct. And doesn’t get to duck all liability for the hush money payoff made to his mistress even as his lawyer

Cooky Cookies Boycott?

It's pretty hard to keep track of all the craziness in the last 4 years.  Every day, some new and outrageous news flash hits my inbox.  The latest one is definitely a winner.  Oreos are now the subject of a boycott by people outraged that the cookie company is putting out a rainbow version of the Oreos.   Here's a link to the your latest boycott by the far far right. So as a practical matter, I have no problem with people boycotting a product or service that they have problems with.  That's how free markets work.  You can take your money and run...and it sometimes does make a political difference.  Like I said, it's part of the system and the actual boycott is well within the rules. So look out, Oreos.  Your rainbow cookies may cause some damage overall to your corporate overlords.  As for me, I'm going to get some Oreos.  Lots of them. 

Ugh. The Weekend Starts...Yesterday!

Melissa Etheridge I didn't get a "Weekend Starts Now" post up yesterday.  I have a good excuse though.  I had wall to wall medical appointments yesterday.  I just didn't have time to squeeze in a post.  Apologies, but here's the Saturday version of "The Weekend Starts Now." I have several items for this weekend.  First, you have a full length live version of Melissa Etheridge doing " I Run For Life. "  This song is a states pretty clearly why we run every October. October is almost over, but it's still national Breast Cancer Awareness Month.   So I'm slipping this in for the last weekend of Breast Cancer Month, in remembrance of my late wife Linda and in celebration of my wife Roxie.  You gals rock. Second, we're closing in on Election Day.  If you haven't voted, there's still time.  It's not just your right, but it's also your responsibility to do this every four years.  If you don't vote, do

On Wisconsin. Take back the state.

  I grew up in Wisconsin.  Graduated from Madison West High, and the University of Wisconsin in Madison.  I guess it might be more accurate to say I grew up in "The People's Republic of Madison."  It's a well known liberal enclave, a place where the adjective "liberal" is not derogatory. So today I'm doing this shout out to the people of Wisconsin.  Please.  Get your vote done by November 3. Whether it's for Trump or Biden is immaterial.  If you don't vote, don't come complaining about the results.  Your chance for input expires on November 4. You've suffered through 2 or 3 terms of GOP rule thanks to Scott Walker. You've suffered through GOP court packing that made your Supreme Court a GOP rubber stamp.  And you've suffered through years of legislative mischief orchestrated by the GOP.  Your call.  Fix it now, or suffer the consequences.  But either way, don't complain if you don't vote.

Biden is already a better President than Trump

       How do I know President Biden is already better than President Trump?  Read on.  He's considering cabinet appointments, and guess what?  There are Republicans on  the candidate list.      President Trump lives in a binary political world.  If you're not loyal to him, you're the  enemy.  There is no middle ground, and no compromise with the "enemies." Trump warned of “far-left radicals” who will “indoctrinate our children . . . impose a fanatical code of political correctness, bombard our citizens with fake news propaganda and implement policies that would turn America very quickly into a large-scale Venezuela.”   He called the House Democrats “lunatics,” railed against illegal immigration and complained about losing the distinction as Time magazine’s person of the year to the teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg."      We already know Trump would never allow a democrat in his cabinet.  We have four years of proof.  Biden doesn't have a cabinet


This may come as a shock to some of my friends and family.  For the past 6 months or so, I've been following The Bulwark .  For those unfamiliar with The Bulwark, it's a refuge for discontented, disappointed and disillusioned Republicans.  Yes.  You read that right.  It's a Republican stronghold for the resistance.  To those who think I've lost my way, please keep reading. I consider myself (which may differ significantly from how others see me) as a center left Independent.  My voter registration says "independent," not Democrat.  I'd like to see the two sides work together to get things done, but it's more a day dream than a reasonable expectation. The Bulwark is not just for disaffected Republicans.  I think it's for me too.  The anti Trump Republicans and I are the same page.  Trump is a bridge too far, whether you're a Democrat or what used to be an effective, intellectually honest Republican.   I was torn this weekend.  I had to decide wh

Mayor of Wichita KS threatened with murder. WHAT?

Roxie's family lives in Kansas, so I've got a lot more connection to that state than I ever expected.  From KU basketball ( Rock Chalk , whatever that means) to the seeds of a red state slowly moving towards neutrality, things are changing.  Kansas now has a democratic governor. Being a democrat in Kansas elections is no longer the kiss of death. That said, this is disturbing .  When I first saw this, I had a flashback to the 2009 murder of a Kansas abortion doctor.   Political assassinations are not unknown in Kansas.  These things happen in lots of places, but I'm particularly sensitive to those in Roxie's back yard. What really bothered me about this development though is the threat of murder over MASKS.  MASKS.  Really.  Murdering the mayor of Wichita over MASKS seems the height of stupidity. Political assassination is rarely justified.  I lived through the JFK murder.  The RFK murder.  The MLK murder.  I've had it with assassinations.  But assassination for mas

My thoughts on the SCOTUS Confirmation Hearing.

You may be wondering why I haven't weighed with an opinion on the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings.  This is the 3rd and last day of the hearings, so here's the scoop. Trump has nearly exhausted my capacity for outrage.  It's something new every single day for 3+ years.  The Coney Barrett hearings are just a bridge too far for me. The hearings will explain nothing; every question of substance will be skillfully unanswered.  The potential for both sides to embarrass themselves is high.  In the end, nothing will change.  She will be confirmed by the Senate and probably seated at SCOTUS before the election.  I have to pick my battles.  I don't have the time or the energy to get into a matters that, well, just don't matter. So I'm passing here, but things will change down the road.  The GOP has stolen 2 of the 9 seats on the Court.  It won't be forgotten; there will be consequences.  And no, I'm not taking a position on Court packing.  I'll let y

Don't mess with New Zealand...

                                                 So some American tried to tell New Zealanders how to handle the pandemic.   He got burned  to the ground.  This is a classic clash between stupidity and a smart guy who knows how to deliver a brilliant insult. New Zealand, by the way, has one of the lowest covid 19 death rates in the world.  25 total deaths.  Sure, it's a much smaller country than the US, but compared to our 210,000 total deaths, it's pretty obvious that they are doing something right.  They don't appreciate anyone challenging their success. "The man, who wasn’t named in a news report about the incident from TVNZ, can be heard on video doubting that the virus exists. “Where’s your evidence that there is a virus that causes the disease?” the man asked, apparently holding something he’d printed out from the internet. The denier had already annoyed Peters by trying to ask more than his one allotted question, so the lawmaker didn’t hold back in his response

Finally. It’s here.

MY BALLOT came in the mail this weekend.  The election season is here.  I'll be taking a half hour or so tomorrow to fill it out.  The ballot is long; the blue book that is provided to all voters, is 89 pa I already read the blue book, which includes detailed information on all the ballot initiatives (from bring Gray Wolves in from other states to tax vaping at the same rate as tobacco products)  It includes tax implications for each initiative, costs to the state, and a paragraph or two on the pros and cons of each item. So I'm anxious to get this done tomorrow.  That will mark the last day of the election season for me.

No. No way. This has to be fake news. Sadly, it's not

I haven't been a Catholic since 1970.  Long story, and I don't want to offend friends and family by challenging their beliefs.  Live and let live.   I rarely post 3 times in one day.  Today I'm making an exception. I was stunned when I saw this post on Flipboard.  Speechless.   So I won't have anything to say here, other than read this one yourself. 

There should be bipartisan agreement this time.

It's a rare issue that DEMANDS bipartisan agreement.  We have one now, with the plot to kidnap and murder the governor of Michigan to start an insurrection. Gretchen Witmer is a Democrat.  For that reason alone, a far right wing militia plotted to take her out before the November 3 election.  The details are chilling, including test explosion of IED's (Improvised Explosive Device).  This is a scary group.  We have enough problems with ISIS and other middle east radicals.  Turns out that the biggest threat to our country is from radicalized right wing militias Anybody who does not or will not denounce this group and their plot is an enemy of the people.  There can be no quibbling here.  It's a Yes/No question.  The only acceptable answer is "Yes.  I denounce this plot and those plotters." So far, the response in Michigan has been the bipartisan rejection that we should expect.  Whether Republicans elsewhere will condemn the plot is yet to be determined. We should

The Weekend Starts Now....

It's a simple yet profound message.  I always cue this up when I'm feeling a little beaten down by events, politics, and health issues. So here you go.  Have a good weekend and start it with an uplifting tune from Keb Mo .

Baby I'm Amazed...

  Something from James Corden to brighten your day.   If you don't know who Paul McCartney is, google it.

VP Debate.

  Just a few thoughts on the VP debate. 1.  Civilized, compared to the Presidential debate. 2.  This will NOT move the needle for either Trump or Biden. 3.  Debates have outlived their usefulness.  Please make it stop. 4.  Winner:  the fly. 5.  Winner:  Moderator Susan Page. 6.  Toss up: the candidates. 7.  Loser:  Donald J. Trump.  He wasn't on the stage, but shortly after it was over, he pulled out of the next Presidential Debate.  This tied with sabotaging the stimulus negotiations for his worst decisions of the campaign.  He's underwater in the polls, and there's only a few weeks left before the election.  He desperately needs to change the dynamic, and the debates are an opportunity for him to do exactly that.  But no.  He's not going to debate Biden.   The Biden campaign should send him a thank you note.


  "Please understand that I am not asking this to be a wise-ass, but as a genuine and serious question: If Donald Trump was experiencing DXM-induced mania, how would we know?" Thanks to Jonathon at the Bulwark.   Great question.

Flirting with the tipping point...

  This . That this is even being discussed in the Trump campaign is absolutely staggering.  These bandits are plotting to literally steal the election by overriding the voters.  The fact that such a tactic is arguably legal does not make it right.  And it's not a close call. Here's my take.  Even attempting to implement this strategy will create enough anger to get the country over the tipping point.  We will be in uncharted territory.  We will go down a rabbit hole that may result in the end of our experiment in democracy.  We will find out what the "burn it to the ground" stage of politics looks like. I fear for our future.


THESE PEOPLE, ALL WITH CLOSE TIES TO THE WHITE HOUSE,  HAVE TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID-19: 1.  Donald J. Trump. 2.  Melania Trump. 3.  Kayleigh McEnany. 4.  Hope Hicks. 5.  KellyAnne Conway. 6. Chris Christie. 7.  Ronna McDaniel. (National Republican Committee Chair) 8.  Senator Ron Johnson. 9.  Senator Thom Tillis. 10,  Senator Mike Lee. 11.  Bill Stepien. (Trump Campaign Manager) 12.  University of Notre Dame President John Jenkins. 13.  Nicholas Luna, bodyguard. If this was a elementary school (I know, it's debatable), it would be shut down immediately.  It's time to shut down the White House and give it a thorough scrubbing to insure the safety of all who work there.

The GOP has gone off the rails.

  I think we're all aware of the QAnon movement and the lies that have taken root for Trump voters.  Not all Trump voters, but a loud, scary minority of Trump voters. One might think that these conspiracy are too crazy to believe.  Sadly, the QAnon crowd can seemingly believe any otherwise BS without the slightest evidence to support that BS. Just in case you think the QAnon movement is too small and crazy to take seriously, don't tell that to the FBI. The FBI has identified QAnon as a domestic terrorism threat, and President Trump  has endorsed the movement. So I've clipped some examples below for those who may still be skeptical about the danger QAnon poses to democracy.  Any nationwide group that refuses to recognize reality and instead believes the most incredible conspiracies is a destabilizing force. From Rich Thau at Time magazine : But by far the greatest delusions I heard came from voters on the right. More than a third of the Trump supporters I spoke with voiced

Trump wouldn't lose a vote if he shot someone on 5th Avenue

 PENSEE #12 Donald Trump once claimed he could  "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody"  and not "lose any voters."  Given their demonstrated loyalty, one could agree with Trump on this. That said, though,  there are signs that there are indeed voters leaking out of the Trump camp.    It certainly isn't a rush to the exits, but it's enough to question his claim that even if he's a murderer, he won't lose a vote from his loyalists. According to one recent poll,  up to 6% of Trump voters in 2016 will not be back in 2020 .  That's not huge, but it's somewhat surprising that the number of disappearing Trump voters is even measurable.  As one voter put it,  “What changed my mind? 120,000 deaths,” Considering how close the 2016 election was, even 6% of his base is a problem for a Trump second term.  I'm not predicting that Biden will win, nor am I predicting that a Trump loss would be solely due to defectors.  There are way too

The Weekend Starts...NOW!

  PENSEE #11. I missed getting a post up yesterday, so today's a Double Header.  Two posts for the price of one. I had an appointment with my doctor last week, and he cut me some slack on alcohol.  I was abstaining since May, but as motivation, I now get 1 beer per week.  I've decided to drink the beer weekly on Friday or Saturday.  So...I'm loving my weekends now.   Like they say...Find Your Beach.  I did.

Thoughts on Trump's Covid 19 Dilemma

PENSEE #10. This is not the time to pile on the President's covid 19 exposure.  "I told you so" can be both true and unhelpful at the same time.  Rather, despite my personal politics, this is the time to wish President Trump the best in his quarantine and whatever treatment he needs. If anything good can come from his exposure, I hope that his base begins to take precautions to protect themselves from the virus.  Their flagrant disregard for those precautions endangers all of us.  For the skeptics, consider what happened to a prominent Republican who attended a Trump rally.  Nobody is safe or immune from the covid 19 pandemic.  The President has been exposed, despite the best medical staff in the world.  If he can't avoid the virus, none of us can. This is a dangerous moment.   The President insisted the virus would go away . He rolled the dice and lost.  It not only didn't go away, but now he's infected. Presuming a quick and full recovery, his dilemma is whe