This may come as a shock to some of my friends and family.  For the past 6 months or so, I've been following The Bulwark.  For those unfamiliar with The Bulwark, it's a refuge for discontented, disappointed and disillusioned Republicans.  Yes.  You read that right.  It's a Republican stronghold for the resistance.  To those who think I've lost my way, please keep reading.

I consider myself (which may differ significantly from how others see me) as a center left Independent.  My voter registration says "independent," not Democrat.  I'd like to see the two sides work together to get things done, but it's more a day dream than a reasonable expectation.

The Bulwark is not just for disaffected Republicans.  I think it's for me too.  The anti Trump Republicans and I are the same page.  Trump is a bridge too far, whether you're a Democrat or what used to be an effective, intellectually honest Republican.  

I was torn this weekend.  I had to decide whether to subscribe to The Bulwark in order to continue access to their content.  This weekend was the deadline.  As of today, most of their content is behind a pay wall.  I decided to take the leap and subscribe.

So, if you're saying "he's lost it..he's paying for right wing content," well, I get it.  I would only ask that you look at the free content on The Bulwark before judging me.  There's room in this world for all political stripes, and The Bulwark is one that I can live with, and often, agree with.

So there you have it.  Full Disclosure.  I haven't gone over to the other side, but I have tested the waters of GOP anti Trumpism.  I can report back...the water's fine.  Let's work together and get things done.

About Us

The Bulwark is a news network launched in 2018 dedicated to providing political analysis and reporting free from the constraints of partisan loyalties or tribal prejudices.  The Bulwark is a project of Defending Democracy Together Institute, a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.

Definition of bulwark

1a: a solid wall-like structure raised for defense RAMPART
bBREAKWATERSEAWALLbuilding a bulwark in the harbor
2a strong support or protection democratic principles that stand as a bulwark against tyrannybulwark of freedom
3nautical the side of a ship above the upper deck usually used in plural


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