The Trump Brain Trust Includes Eric Trump. Good.


 Nobody is going to mistake Eric Trump for a "stable genius."  His reaction to the New York Times report on Donald's tax issues is a good example of why he should just shut up.  

“They’ve been writing that article for three months and they wanted it to drop the morning before the debate!” he said. “These are disgusting people!”

So here's the problem, Eric.  If you don't like focusing on taxes just before the debate, Donald had a 100% opportunity to pick a better time for the bad news.  At any point in the last 4 years, he could have disclosed this information himself.  But no.  

I noticed that in his self righteous disgust, he didn't say that the NYT got it wrong.  So let's focus on the real issues here:

1.  Who does Donald owe more than $400M to?

2.  These loans are not for the Trump businesses.  They're personal loans to DJT.  How does he plan to repay them?

3.  Are any of these loans from foreign sources?  Does DJT have foreign debts?

4.  If some of the loans are from foreign sources, how can DJT NOT be a risk to our national security?

There's more, but that's a good start.  Let's have those discussions instead of wasting time on Eric's faux outrage.  


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  1. Time for a major tax law overhaul. One percentage rate for everybody. Since corporations are now considered a person - everyone pays. No loopholes for anyone.

    1. Exactly. I’m so sick of the 1% whining about their tax rates. Trump is not the only wealthy guy scamming the system, but he may be the best at it. It’s time we all pay our fair share.

    2. Not so sure I'd classify DJT with the 1% of wealthy Americans. Like all else, this is a con. He's likely bankrupt, personally and corporately. The kiting of presumed wealth is catching up with him and his empire.


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