Update. I'm taking a break. Thanks for understanding.


I've made the difficult decision to go dark on my two blog sites (Theater Colorado and Pensees).  Theater Colorado will remain active for now, but there will be no new content after 12/31/2020.  This is due to several factors, not the least of which is that there is very little live theater to cover at this time.  The foreseeable future is very cloudy for live theater.  I'd like to think it will go back to "normal" sometime soon, but the reality is that a significant number of small theaters may not survive the Covid 19 pandemic.  "Normal" is not coming back.  There will be a New and Different Normal."

As for "Pensees,", I had expectations that I could grow an audience over time.  Sadly, that is just not happening.  I've had posts that draw 30-40 views, but those are rare.  The reality is that most of my posts are only getting views in the teens or twenties.  Getting traction is difficult, and I'm not sure there's enough interest to justify the amount of thought and work I put into each post.  In the end, it's not really about the number of views or the number of followers.  But if I'm creating posts just for myself, I can do the same with a journal or diary that doesn't take as much effort from me.

For now, I won't be posting new content to Pensees.  If and when that changes, Roxie will let you know on her Facebook page.

In general though, I'm experiencing health issues that sap my strength and make writing harder for me.  To be sure, I have more important tasks right now than creating content and maintaining 2 blog sites.  

So I'll leave you with a final thought and a task for the new year.  Racism is baked into our culture.  It's a silent cancer on our minority citizens.  George Floyd.  Breonna Taylor. Elijah McClain. Tamir Rice. Philando Castile.  Say their names.

Your task:  if you have an opportunity to speak out to a racist, take it.  If you believe Black Lives Matter, get a hat or t-shirt to show your support.  If you can donate to the cause, do so.  Solving this problem has been a project since the 18th century.  It's time to get it done.

Peace.  Out. 


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