News from the Right Wing Fever Swamp...

I hesitate to give the Oath Keepers  any oxygen.  They're a right wing radical group looking to start a civil war.  I decided to go ahead and do this post mostly as a warning to those who take these threats lightly.

As we approach the election on Tuesday, we are in some danger of unrest, perhaps in the 10-20% range.  The Oath Keepers see their role as instigating civil war.  That scenario is probably in the 5% or less range.  But  5% chance of civil war is not to be dismissed as impossible.

Stewart Rhodes is the spokesperson for the Oath Keepers.  Here's a sampling of what he's saying:

  • Discussing the “coming civil war,” Rhodes said Trump should “declassify all the secrets” to expose the “deep state” and that then his group will “go and put it to them, and take them into custody and do what we have to do.” 
  • After Jones asked him about “military rules of engagement,” Rhodes predicted a possible civil war between the right and left and said that “our side will not just go and fight their street soldiers; we will go for their command and control also” because “that’s a smart thing to do in warfare. That’s what’s going to happen.”
It's a long shot.  There probably won't be a civil war after the election.  But the chances are slightly greater than zero.  And Stewart Rhodes will be in the middle of whatever comes next, and we know what his plan is.


  1. The civil war has already started. Look at the video of the Kenosha murders by Kyle Rittenhouse. Near the end of the footage you'll see 2 squad cars, supposedly responding to shots fired on the street a hundred yards away. One drives towards the shooting scene and the victims, the other waits as Rittenhouse walks towards their squad car with his AR, hands in the air. A short discussion ensues and then someone in the squad car tosses Rittenhouse a water bottle. Rittenhouse walks away. Can you say 'white privilege'. The police encouraged the right-wing gun toting terrorists to help them keep the "peace" during the civil unrest in Kenosha. If you want a real eye-opener, lookup the police response to the shooting. It's only a matter of time before this breaks wide open. Tuesday could be the trigger point.

  2. We will look back at this election some day and wonder why we didn't see it coming. Since the 2016 election, we've been inflicting wounds on the country, on civility, and on competent governance. Those who have participated in pillaging the country (looking at you, GOP) will bear the burden of knowing they destroyed the United States of America. It used to be "country before party." Now it's "power and wealth" that matters to the GOP.

    I'm staying home with the doors locked and the shades drawn on Tuesday.


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