There should be bipartisan agreement this time.

It's a rare issue that DEMANDS bipartisan agreement.  We have one now, with the plot to kidnap and murder the governor of Michigan to start an insurrection.

Gretchen Witmer is a Democrat.  For that reason alone, a far right wing militia plotted to take her out before the November 3 election.  The details are chilling, including test explosion of IED's (Improvised Explosive Device).  This is a scary group.  We have enough problems with ISIS and other middle east radicals.  Turns out that the biggest threat to our country is from radicalized right wing militias

Anybody who does not or will not denounce this group and their plot is an enemy of the people.  There can be no quibbling here.  It's a Yes/No question.  The only acceptable answer is "Yes.  I denounce this plot and those plotters."

So far, the response in Michigan has been the bipartisan rejection that we should expect.  Whether Republicans elsewhere will condemn the plot is yet to be determined.

We should al be repelled at this news.  We need to send a message here to any and all violent militia members.  Such actions will not be tolerated.  Perpetrators will be hunted down and subjected to the full force of the law.  And that message must come from a united bipartisan coalition.


It didn't take long. Michigan Sheriff defends plotters.  Vote him out if County Sheriff is an elected position.  If not, then fire him.


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