My thoughts on the SCOTUS Confirmation Hearing.

You may be wondering why I haven't weighed with an opinion on the Amy
Coney Barrett confirmation hearings.  This is the 3rd and last day of the hearings, so here's the scoop.

Trump has nearly exhausted my capacity for outrage.  It's something new every single day for 3+ years.  The Coney Barrett hearings are just a bridge too far for me.

The hearings will explain nothing; every question of substance will be skillfully unanswered.  The potential for both sides to embarrass themselves is high.  In the end, nothing will change.  She will be confirmed by the Senate and probably seated at SCOTUS before the election.  I have to pick my battles.  I don't have the time or the energy to get into a matters that, well, just don't matter.

So I'm passing here, but things will change down the road.  The GOP has stolen 2 of the 9 seats on the Court.  It won't be forgotten; there will be consequences.  And no, I'm not taking a position on Court packing.  I'll let you know when I'm ready.  But the GOP has totally exhausted any expectation of a cooperative Democratic party in 2021.  The Tyranny of the Minority may very well end in January.  And when that Tyranny is over, things will very bleak for any further political mischief from Mitch McConnell and his merry band of arsonists, thugs and Trump loving sheep.


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