Trump wouldn't lose a vote if he shot someone on 5th Avenue


Donald Trump once claimed he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters."  Given their demonstrated loyalty, one could agree with Trump on this.

That said, though, there are signs that there are indeed voters leaking out of the Trump camp.   It certainly isn't a rush to the exits, but it's enough to question his claim that even if he's a murderer, he won't lose a vote from his loyalists.

According to one recent poll, up to 6% of Trump voters in 2016 will not be back in 2020.  That's not huge, but it's somewhat surprising that the number of disappearing Trump voters is even measurable.  As one voter put it, “What changed my mind? 120,000 deaths,”

Considering how close the 2016 election was, even 6% of his base is a problem for a Trump second term.  I'm not predicting that Biden will win, nor am I predicting that a Trump loss would be solely due to defectors.  There are way too many factors that will determine the winner.  

I'm just saying that losing a small share of his loyal voters is NOT good news for Trump.


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