Has Trump Earned a Second Term?


I would say definitely not.  Donald Trump has not earned a second term.  I have a lot of reasons to say that, but I did not express then nearly as well as Tim Miller.  Here's a sample of his reasons:

In a place where right matters, the president would be marching alongside those who want justice for the wrongful death of black men and women at the hands of the state—not fomenting more violence.

And certainly in a place where right matters, we would not have a president who routinely calls his fellow Americans who oppose him politically “scum” while equivocating on whether or not the people at a Nazi march are just misunderstood. 

In a place where right matters, the president doesn’t use his office—and taxpayer-funded lawyers—to bully a woman who has accused him of rape.

He doesn’t get to avoid any accountability for the 19 other women who have accused him of sexual misconduct.

And doesn’t get to duck all liability for the hush money payoff made to his mistress even as his lawyer goes to jail over it.

In a place where right matters, four female black members of Congress—three of whom were born America, not that this matters—don’tget told by the president to “go back” to the countries that they came from.

SURELY in a place where right matters, the president of the United States doesn’t preside over a rabid crowd chanting “Send Her Back. Send Her Back. Send Her Back” in the kind of despicable scene that we thought had been relegated to the dustbin of Jim Crow history. 

In a place where right matters, how can we look at young black boys and black girls and tell them that they are fully welcome in this country when the president participates in something as noxious as that. 

You can read all of Mr. Miller's message to mothers here.  There's a lot more in the full post, and it's well worth the 5-10 minutes it will take you to read it.


  1. In these times of "lies are the new truth, alternative facts, and excusing a lie because I was joking", the following are my conspiracy theories, alternative facts, and joking statements about Donald Trump. If asked, I will deny ever writing on this blog. I was hacked. I was joking, etc..

    CONSPIRACY 1. DT never had Coronavirus. It was a well scripted photo op using helicopters, fake doctors, staged photos of DT 'working' in a conference room while signing blank pages. His road trip around the hospital parking lot was a reality show host attempting to grab the headlines once again. I'm not a medical expert but I don't believe if you test positive for Coronavirus that 4 days later you can be totally cured and test negative - unless you are the commander in chief and need to hit the campaign trail again. It must have been very painful to give up a weekend of golf in Florida and spend the time at Walter Reed. It was his failed attempt to demonstrate the virus is a hoax, easily beaten, and no one should worry about it. "We're rounding the corner on the virus". Tell that to 225,000 dead Americans and their families. Actually, he has said that to families...

    CONSPIRACY 2. I believe DT's name will appear in Ghislaine Maxwell's records. Maybe video tapes or photos. She's got the goods on DT. Just like Putin. DT did say "I met her once or twice and I wish her well". Who says something like that about a pedophile? Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and other 'once famous' people are likely to be named in her records. If Maxwell lives long enough to tell all, a lot of recognizable people will fall. This could complicate DT's life after the presidency - along with the 23 other lawsuits claiming rape or sexual assault.

    Last night, 60 Minutes and Lesley Stahl did a marvelous job of exposing continuous lies of DT. It was classic sandlot "I don't like you and I'm taking my ball and going home". Six year olds act like this, not our president that we trust to negotiate with hostile foreign leaders. If negotiations get heated and questions get tough, is he going to tuck tail and run again? But hey, he showed her...

    I have a lot more conspiracy theories but I think you get the point. Our Democracy is already lost. Our grand experiment gone forever. With current polls showing a divided country with each side at about 50% approval, I'm preparing for a post election civil war. Remember, DT asked his private army to 'Stand back, and stand by".

    1. Sadly, I have to agree with you 100%. The MAGA voters have already signaled their intention to raise hell if Trump loses. We've seen arrests for plots to kill both the Governor of Michigan and Biden. That's the tip of the iceberg; it's safe to say that there are additional plots that have not been discovered yet.

      I'm pretty sure they'll eventually work their way down the enemies list to you and me. The good thing about being a senior citizen is that I don't give a flip about the traitors trying to overthrow the government. Bring it on. We'll hunt you down and end your threats.


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