Debate Debacle & Police Reform

PENSEE #9 I watched the entire debate so you wouldn’t have to. It was a noble effort on my part. I would have turned it off after 10 minutes. There’s so much good analysis available on the web that I don’t need pile on. I’m taking anti nausea medications, so I’ve avoided vomiting. Rehashing it today could be harmful to my health. ****************************************************************************** I'm not naive. I know I can't change the world, but I'm trying to change my little part of that world. So here's something I care about. We need to reform policing in this country. There have been small changes , like more body cams, since black teen Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson MO on August 9, 2014. But those changes are not of the size or type needed to address the problem. It seems many blame police unions for the lack of accountability for police officers. There's some validity to the argument. The 14th Amendment to t...