Drawing a Line


don't know if I'm typical of most progressive Americans, but I hope so.  There's some tendency for the opposition to blame progressives for the current riots and destruction in some cities.  That blame is misplaced, and I'm drawing the line between protests and riots.  They are not the same thing, and as a general principle, they are not carried out by the same people.

Protests are legitimate citizen efforts to change policy through non-violent means.  The right to protest is included in the First Amendment to the Constitution.

Riots are mayhem created by anarchists who seek change by burning down the institutions of government.  These riots are NOT protected by the Constitution, but are prohibited by applicable criminal laws.  Arson is a criminal offense, as is assault.  Those engaging in such acts should expect to suffer the full weight of criminal law.

I support protests.  I do NOT support riots and all the associated damages. 

There.  I drew the line.


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