Some thoughts on Biden's victory

 It's been nearly 24 hours since (Sleepy) Joe Biden was declared the winner of the election.  It's still a little early to predict the political consequences of Biden's victory, but here's some thoughts on how this might play out.

1.  I'm very glad Biden is now the President Elect.  Governing by chaos has been a total failure, and those days are behind us.

2.  After 24 hours of Biden being declared the winner there has been minimal civil unrest.  I sincerely hope we can still say that in a week, in a month, in a year.  For that, I credit the MAGA voters who are licking their wounds and grieving their loss.  I hope the restraint we've seen so far continues.

3.  Overall, I have mixed emotions about the election.  It was not a Biden Blowout.  Rather, it was a nail biter that could have reelected Trump.  Considering the last 4 years of corruption, lies, and chaos, it should not be this close.

4.  I'm disturbed about the growth of Trump's base.  In 2016, he had the support of approximately 40% of the electorate.  In 2020, it appears his reliable voters is nearly 50%.  The implications are clear for 2024.  Trump could reclaim the presidency.

5.  Biden has a full plate of crises waiting for him on January 20,2021.  His job will not be easy.  He will have some success, and some setbacks.  He will be judged by his record in 2024.  His biggest challenge is not the pandemic.  It's uniting the country.  If he can't do that, he will be the next one term president.


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