
Showing posts from December, 2020

Update. I'm taking a break. Thanks for understanding.

UPDATE ON BLOGGING.... I've made the difficult decision to go dark on my two blog sites (Theater Colorado and Pensees).  Theater Colorado will remain active for now, but there will be no new content after 12/31/2020.  This is due to several factors, not the least of which is that there is very little live theater to cover at this time.  The foreseeable future is very cloudy for live theater.  I'd like to think it will go back to "normal" sometime soon, but the reality is that a significant number of small theaters may not survive the Covid 19 pandemic.  "Normal" is not coming back.  There will be a New and Different Normal." As for "Pensees,", I had expectations that I could grow an audience over time.  Sadly, that is just not happening.  I've had posts that draw 30-40 views, but those are rare.  The reality is that most of my posts are only getting views in the teens or twenties.  Getting traction is difficult, and I'm not sure there&

A Pandemic Christmas Story

  I'm a lucky guy.  I have enough resources to pay my bills, put food on the table, and to give family members Christmas gifts.  There are a LOT of Americans who cannot say the same this Christmas.  It's a pandemic Christmas.  Some (far too many) are hungry, desperate, and out of options. Accordingly, I have pasted below a Pandemic Christmas Story by Jonathan V. Last.  Jonathan writes for The Bulwark website, but this poignant story is behind a pay wall.  That's too should be available to all.   Early in the pandemic, Joo Park noticed a worrisome shift at the market he manages near downtown Washington: At least once a day, he’d spot someone slipping a package of meat, a bag of rice or other food into a shirt or under a jacket. Diapers, shampoo and laundry detergent began disappearing in bigger numbers, too. Since then, he said, thefts have more than doubled at Capitol Supermarket — even though he now stations more employees at the entrance, asks shoppers to leave